South African Medical Research Council (+ Cape Town Drug Counselling Centre + Saartjie Baartman’s Centre for Women and Children) v Kapském městě, JAR, přijme stážisty. Preferováni jsou studenti psychologie. Stáž je možné financovat z programu Freemover. Stáž je možné si nechat uznat v rámci studia na za kredity.
Popis pracovní činnosti (40 hodin/týden):
Activity 1: Junior researcher in a project focused on stigma of Mental and Substance Use Disorders. Tasks: field research, data collection and direct work with people with Substance Use Disorders and clients of outreach programs.
Activity 2: Junior researcher in a project focused on heavy episodic drinking in professional athletes. Tasks: recherche, assistance, data collection.
Activity 3: Direct work in an in- and outpatient program for people with Substance Use Disorders.
Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected learning outcomes):
Professional competences – research acitvities, recherche, data collection, field research, communication with people with Substance Use Disroders and Mental Health Disorders, treatment of Substance Use Disorders. Key competences – language skills, communication, interpersonal skills, intercultural comparison of treatment and research activities in the fields of mental health and addiction.
Zkušenosti stážistky Štěpánky Ptáčkové (KPCH) najdete zde.
V případě zájmu kontaktujte Janu Hořákovou (zahr. odd. FF UP), dr. Kláru Machů (KK KPCH)