prof. Konstantinos Kafetsios, Ph.D.

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Kontaktní údaje


Katedra psychologie

Filozofická fakulta

Vodární 6


Mimořádný profesor

Funkce a členství v akademických a dalších orgánech UP i mimo ni:

  • European Association of Social Psychology (tajemník, 2007–)
Sulejmanov F., Seitl M., Kafetsios K. Job Satisfaction Across the Workweek: An Affect-Laden Approach. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ARBEITS-UND ORGANISATIONSPSYCHOLOGIE. 2024. (ČLÁNEK)
Seitl M., Charvát M., Kafetsios K., Střelec J., Seitlová K. Experiences in Work Relationships: A Measure of Attachment Strategies at work. PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS. 2023. (ČLÁNEK)
Seitl M., Kafetsios K., Schneiderová K., Dostál D., Krám T., Dominik T. Assessing Integrity at Work: Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Occupational Integrity Scale. AD ALTA-Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. 2022. (ČLÁNEK)
Kafetsios K., Hess U., Dostál D., Seitl M., Hypšová P., Hareli S., Alonso-Arbiol I., Schütz A., Gruda D., Campbell K., Chen B., Held M., Kamble S., Kimura T., Kirchner-H¨ausler A., Livi S., Mandal E., Ochnik D., Sakman E., Sumer N., Theodorou A., Uskul A. A contextualized emotion perception assessment relates to personal and social well-being. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN PERSONALITY. 2024.
Groyecka-Bernard A., Sorokowski P., Karwowski M., Roberts C., Aavik T., Acello G., Alm Ch., Naumana A., Kafetsios K. Conservatism Negatively Predicts Creativity: A Study Across 28 Countries. JOURNAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY. 2024.
Antypa D., Kafetsios K., Simos P., Kyvelea M., Kosteletou E., Maris T., Papadaki E., Hess U. Distinct neural correlates of accuracy and bias in the perception of facial emotion expressions. Social Neuroscience. 2024.
Zhao X., Gillath O., Alonso-Arbiol I., Abubakar A., Kafetsios K., Karatzas G. Ninety years after Lewin: The role of familism and attachment style in social networks characteristics across 21 nations/areas. JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS. 2024.
Kargakou A., Kafetsios K., Stamatopoulou M., Prezerakos P., Rojas Gil AP. Reliability and validity of the Greek version of the Short Gratitude Resentment and Appreciation Test (S-GRAT-GR). 2024.
Tsounis A., Xanthopoulou D., Kafetsios K., Demerouti E., Tsaousis I. Workplace and Individual Social Capital as Moderators on the Work-Life Interface Processes: Testing a Multilevel Model. GROUP & ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT. 2024.
Seitl M., Omastová E., Sulejmanov F., Hess U., Hareli S., Dostál D., Hypšová P., Kafetsios K. An Emotional Experience of Work: Attachment Orientations and Emotion Expressions to Work-Related Film Stimuli. STUDIA PSYCHOLOGICA. 2023.
Sorokowski P., Kowal M., Sternberg R., Aavik T., Kafetsios K., Sorokowska A. Modernization, collectivism, and gender equality predict love experiences in 45 countries. Scientific Reports. 2023.
Uskul A., Kirchner-Hausler A., Vignoles V., Cross S., Kafetsios K., Pagliaro S. Neither Eastern nor Western: Patterns of Independence and Interdependence in Mediterranean Societies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 2023.
Kafetsios K., Hess U. Reconceptualizing Emotion Recognition Ability. Journal of Intelligence. 2023.
Gruda D., Berrios RA., Kafetsios K., McCleskey JA. Time After Time: Attachment Orientations and Impression Formation in Initial and Longer-Term Team Interactions. Frontiers in Psychology. 2022.
Sorokowska A., Saluja S., Sorokowski P., Frąckowiak T., Karwowski M., Kafetsios K. Affective Interpersonal Touch in Close Relationships: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY BULLETIN. 2021.
walter k., Conroy-Beam D., Buss D., Kafetsios K. Sex differences in human mate preferences vary across sex ratios. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2021.
Sorokowski P., Sorokovská A., Karwowski M., Groyecka A., Kafetsios K. Universality of the Triangular Theory of Love: Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the Triangular Love Scale in 25 Countries. JOURNAL OF SEX RESEARCH. 2021.
Kafetsios K., KAROLIDIS D., VOUZAS F., BELLOU, V. Protean Diversity: A Complex Adaptive Systems Perspective on Individuals within Organizations. European Management Review. 2020.
Hypšová P., Seitl M., Kafetsios K., Sulejmanov F. Překlad a ověření dotazníku emoční regulace (ERQ). In Bavoľár J., ., ., . (Eds.) Psychológia práce a organizácie 2023: Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej konferencie. 2023.
Kafetsios K., Gruda D. Attachment in Leader-follower interaction: In more than one ways and on more than one levels. Beyond Exchange Revisiting Leadership as a Relationship. 2024.
Kafetsios K. Taylor and Aspinwall Psychosocial Stress Model. Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. 2023.
Kafetsios K., Evangelia K. Youths’ Cultural Orientations, Attributions to Inequality and Political Engagement Attitudes and Intentions. KousisYouth Political Participationin Greece: A MultipleMethods Perspective. 2022.
Hypšová P., Kafetsios K., Seitl M., Dostál D., Sulejmanov F., Peřinová A., Aberlová E., Shlomo H., Ursula H. A Contextualised Test of Emotion Decoding (In)Accuracy Relates to Social Networking and Collectivism. 2024.
Hypšová P., Seitl M., Kafetsios K., Sulejmanov F. Překlad a ověření dotazníku emoční regulace (ERQ). 2023.
Antypa D., Kafetsios K., Simos P., Kosteletou E., Kyvelea M., Maris T., Hess U. Neural correlates of contextualized facial emotion perception and its links to personality. 2022.
Kafetsios K., Hess U., Alonso-Arbio I., Cambell K. Social class is associated with higher emotion decoding accuracy across cultures. 2022.
Silberg S., Gregar A., Jana M., Kafetsios K., Seitl M. Work and organisational practices to develop the skills of a multi-age workforce, maximise the use of talent and transfer knowledge between generations (WOyAGE). CA22120 - A European Network to Leverage the Multi-Age Workforce (LeverAge). 2023.
Kafetsios K., Seitl M., Manuoglu E. Climatic Social Network Fluctuations: Cognitive, Organizational and Well-being Outcomes [CLISNET]. Operační program Jan Amos Komenský. 2022.
Sulejmanov F., Dostál D., Petr K., Hypšová P., Seitl M., Kafetsios K., Manuoglu E. Humor Structure Appreciation in a Czech Context. Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci. 2022.

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